June 26, 2024

86: Camilia Berrada - Mastering the Waves of Global, Elevated, Conscious Leadership, "From Shamans to Boardrooms"

My time at one of the prestigious “Big 4” consulting firms sharpened my analytical skills and built my professional network immensely. It also contributed to me bottoming out physically and mentally. This rock bottom forced me to embrace meditation and go within, while working to shed my dependency on external validation and traditional symbols of "making it."

I'm always fascinated, therefore, to cross paths with Big 4 alums who have also gone on a journey of spirituality and self-realization – such as this week's guest, Camilia Berrada.

Camilia Berrada is a vehicle for change, who spent 8 years professionally mentoring and coaching top-level execs, using Deloitte London as her primary vehicle.

She’s also devoted over 13 years of her life consciously exploring and expanding human consciousness at individual, collective, and systemic levels.

From “shamans to boardrooms,” Camilia is continuously tuning herself to become the instrument she needs to be for the people she meets and elevates. When leaders are open to change, she is their vehicle.

We touched on so many topics in our conversation, including:

  • The difficulty that many high achievers face when looking to integrate learnings from retreats in Costa Rica, Bali, and other “epicenters of enlightenment” that comprise the rapidly growing global wellness tourism market
  • The fundamentals of generative trance - known as the “third wave of hypnosis” - that builds on the work of Milton Erickson. How this modality (highly favored by Camilia) can help us achieve a partnership between our conscious and unconscious minds, and fully tap into our intuition.
  • The potential for surfing to help corporate leaders maximize their performance in crafting vision, setting direction, achieving razor-sharp focus, and getting organizational buy-in.
  • The drawbacks of embracing the "hustle culture" seen in startups and top management consulting firms - specifically chasing dopamine and external validation.
  • How staying "in our head" too much prevents us from achieving true somatic healing in the body - which as Nietzsche said is a far more abundant source of wisdom than any philosophy
  • Camilia’s coaching and mentoring program, which encompasses VIP programs, corporate offers, masterminds, memberships, online courses, to “support leaders in finding deep inner freedom and amplifying their impact in the world.”
  • What the concept of "home" truly means to spiritually enlightened globe-trotters such as Camilia
  • A nuanced, mutli-layered view of the role of ayahuasca, psilocybin, and other forms of plant medicine in achieving states of higher consciousness.
  • Camilia’s roots of growing up in Morocco, and how her perspectives on her cultural background have evolved (as has her home country) over time.

To learn more about Camilia, and potentially collaborate with her, please visit her on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Connect with Nikhil to learn more about ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Untether Your Life⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and other projects:


