May 22, 2024

84: Mas Vidal Maheshananda, Dancing Shiva Founder, on Yoga, Ayurveda, "Soft Power" and Much More

84: Mas Vidal Maheshananda, Dancing Shiva Founder, on Yoga, Ayurveda,

Since launching this podcast two years ago, I continually marvel at the power of synchronicity, and the amazing wise souls that it's put in my path. Their books, online videos, and friendship have deepened my understanding of the wisdom traditions I've become so passionate about. This week's guest - Mas Vidal Maheshananda - is a prime example.

Mas Vidal is considered a global ambassador for Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedanta, and the wisdom of the Indian culture. Through his many programs, lectures and private counseling, Mas has become one of the most influential voices for evolutionary living based on the principles of these wisdom traditions.

He is the founder and director of the Dancing Shiva School and he developed, an online Ayurvedic Superfoods company. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, he maintains an active international counseling practice that also integrates medical astrology.

He is also the author of two books on Yoga and Ayurveda – Sun, Moon & Earth, and The Evolution Revolution.

I thoroughly enjoyed my discussion with Mas, in which we touched on:

  • A rethinking of the traditional model of evolution, centered on Darwinian cut-throat competition and survival of the fittest: the consideration of a more enlightened view on progress of the human species, that champions harmony, cooperation, and "soft power." This is the core theme of Mas' latest book The Evolution Revolution
  • The misguided emphasis in the West on achieving the optimal mix of calories, proteins, vitamins, and other nutrients in our meals, which we continually freeze and reheat.
  • A need to prioritize what's really essential (prana, or life force) in our food, drink, relationships, activities, information we consume, relationships and everything else we expose our mind, body, and soul to.
  • The roots of Dancing Shiva, the platform through which Mas has made Yoga, Ayurveda, and numerous other Eastern wisdom traditions accessible to seasoned and novice practitioners alike.
  • How "soft power" can extend beyond behavior to our consumption habits, i.e., that we can live a healthier, more yogic life by avoiding "hard" foods.
  • The etymology of the name "Mas Vidal Maheshananda," a unique East Meets West combination.
  • The benefits of living in communities - such as Santa Fe, New Mexico; Encinitas, California; and Pune, India - on one's mental, physical, and spiritual well-being
  • The meaning of Mas' statement that "the world is my guru," and more specifically, how that ties back to his following of the "one true guru, Paramahansa Yogananda.
  • How the Eastern wisdom traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda complement one another.

Intrigued? Learn more about Dancing Shiva, and tap into Mas Vidal Maheshanda's wealth of spiritual knowledge by visiting the Dancing Shiva Website. You can also connect with him on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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