The crux of The Shelly Story platform lies in "owning your own health," through healing practices beyond surgery, medication, cognitive therapy, and other traditional modalities. Additionally, it is all about untethering ourselves from conventional career paths and "templates" handed down over generations - especially as South Asian immigrants.
As such, we were very excited to speak with Rahul Kay, Founder and CEO of Sukhi, a company that seeks to reduce corporate burnout and promote wellness through both in-person activities and an innovative digital app. The platform focuses on numerous areas, ranging from meditation and mindfulness to improving performance in the workplace. Sukhi includes Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Amazon, Microsoft, and numerous other leading organizations in its impressive roster of more than 50 clients.
Join Rahul and host Nikhil Torsekar as they touch on
To learn more about Rahul and Sukhi, please visit
You can also follow the company on Instagram and Twitter.
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